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Can Lock Down Actually end the C- virus ?

Monday 30 March 2020

Corona Days

Dear Readers, 
This is just to bring you to update about what i am doing now a days with my life . Well for those of you who had been following the channel regularly , would be pleased to know that i finally made through the allied services. Life has been rather busy and i still wish that i had put in a little more effort to clear the IAS.  I am still planning to give another attempt  in a year or so. I am sorry that for the last year , I haven't uploaded any videos. Making videos is rather time consuming so I thought maybe I will get in touch with you here. 

Any ways today i really wanted to discuss the Novel corona virus. I know that most of you have all the  information and you are making best use of this time studying hard for the exams . Since there is no movement and sounds , i think this time can be best utilized if one is sincere and is willing to go that extra mile .

We all can notice that the earth around us is going quieter each day. Have you noticed how there is a slight ring in the ears as if they are trying to listen to that noise, the sound of birds in the Morning chirping and flying further then they used to. The sky clearer and the air breathable . Of course those who live in peaceful cities these are daily events , but for those of us living in cities like Delhi and Metros , these are things that the heart yearns for. 

While I may sound as if i am appreciating that the country has come under the spate of the Virus ,It is important to understand  that as honest citizens of the country we need to stand by the Government. We have to have faith in the whole Idea as Civil service aspirants and look at what the government is doing from an objective point of view.

As an aspirant we need to analyse, why and what steps are being taken, and what will eventual outcome be. Yesterday, we saw the mass exodus of labor and this might have turned the tables on  all the efforts that were made till date. I am not here to delve in to politics but this might just be the end game of letting the virus enter the remotest of villages that were free of it till now. Not to mention the unavailability of medical aid in those places . 

As an administrator what would you have done? If you were to come across 500 Odd people that were walking towards their villages . What strategy would you adopt . Do write in comments and let me know . 

It so happened that i had to deal with such exodus last night and while i and extremely tired i made sure that arrangements were made for their stay . Food and accommodation along with first aid were a priority. Any signs of sick or disease were segregated , however remember that you are dealing with emotional people and its best not to separate families.  This is a unique situation as you have to take a call since the disease is communicable. Do you risk the whole family getting it or do you separate the family ? 

The only way is to make them understand the risks involved. Speaking to them was an emotional experience as most of them had no clue why the country was shut, why they were suddenly out of work and how a simple cold and cough could kill them. Those of them who knew a little bit , just shook their heads and said this too shall pass, Modi ji will take care of it . 

Later on as i sank in my bed, it occurred to me that this country fortunately has a very strong leadership and no matter what the opposition says or does , there are people who still think about the welfare of the state before their own . 

So friends this is what i wanted to share with you and do let me know abut the question that i asked you . think over it . I don't expect  you to follow my example. just imagine and yourself to be the District magistrate in such a situation and solve it . you Can even Do what the DM of Noida did , sent in his leave application !!!